I love to chill out. Especially with music around specifically to enhance my chill mood. Some people might be on this sight triggered, mad, or upset. You might need some chill music to calm you down. So I am making an album called "Calm Down" that will have a bunch of chill trap songs that I will be making on my new music software. Will of course be less annoying and will be striving for the expectation to calm most of you down or help you chill. I will be setting up a link soon so that you can get a the chill trap beats exclusively for download. Some will be uploaded here on newgrounds. You will also be able to use them in your games, movies, and videos you make on youtube. You want this album? It is coming soon. Be ready to calm down and chill out. Downloadable copies of the album are coming soon to. As I previously stated. Hope you guys will enjoy this album if you do get it. :)